Monday 7 December 2015

Week 1 - Discussing problems

The Brief

Our project was based upon problems and how to solve them.  Exploring the problem deeper looking at where it started, what it can effect, who it can effect and how to solve the problem was key aspect.

At the start I kept thinking of problems in the world that I could try and solve which I didn't like as there are too many problems out there.  During a discussion with my peers in class I noticed that everyone was having a look at there own personal problems and ways to solve them.  This got me thinking about my own.

I began by looking at things I don't do enough of like exercise and drinking water.  Apps to advise, track how much and how often you exercise are everywhere so that was quickly checked off the list.

Apps for tracking how much water you drink and how much you should drink also exist.

I could easily re-create an app based on one of these and make It better but where is the fun in that?

Poor Eating Habits in Males - My Story

Personal Comment - I decided to look at my own eating habits.  My poor eating habit started from when I was younger; School wasn't the best of places to be in so I tried to avoid it.  I used the "I can't go today because im sick" excuse.  Bullying was a major factor in this.  I was forcing myself to be sick to avoid going to school, which I now know is a form of an eating disorder known as Bulimia.

Moving on to high school things weren't the best I received similar treatment from others.  This created the idea that I didn't belong there and the fear that if alone something could happen.  At lunch I would try to eat as fast as I could to avoid contact with people or go without and head to a classroom.  Sometimes I would grab a snack to take with me and barely touch it.

Moving on to college I still had the same thoughts in my head.  I kept to myself and was always quiet.  When I did eat it was always on my own or beside a computer.  Money became an issue during this period as I needed to buy my own lunch.  I ended up buying cheap fast food items from shops like B&M to keep up my energy.  As coursework built up and things got difficult I started staying in classrooms to do work during break lunch and home time.  Often I would be the only person around the college until late at night.  I would do this at night when at home.  I barely ate, I just kept working away most times all nighters just to finish everything and then rest.  I always worried and was very anxious about my work and appearance,

Moving on to University I expected things to be different.  I started when I was 21 which I realised was a bad idea.  I had matured, the so called 'University' life wasn't the same.  While everyone was going out all the time drinking I stayed in keeping to myself.  Then things got difficult...  I was picked on because I wouldn't socialise, because I wouldn't go out all the time, because I kept to myself...  During this I became scared and worried that the people I was living with were out to get me..  I couldn't go out to get food from the cupboard or cook it as someone may have stolen it or put something in it.  At times when I was making food people would laugh and stare at me waiting for me to discover what was in my food.  I could stand up for myself yes but I was badly out numbered.  I came to University to learn and get a degree not to fight with people.  With everything going wrong in University I started to hate it and think to myself "Why am I here?".  My bedroom felt like a little prison cell where everyone was out to get me.  This lasted the entire first year of University and in second year I was free.

2nd Year I moved in with friends and things were much better.  I still had those feeling of being trapped and kept to myself in my room.  The only difference being there was no one in the house to annoy me.  I was able to do what I want when I wanted.  Every time I passed the people from the old place I couldn't look at them without getting an image of the previous year.  My eating habit had changed completely.  I was going to class and staying there late and then getting my dinner around 9-11 at night.  This would keep me awake at night meaning my sleeping suffered.  During the day I needed energy drinks to keep me going or I would have fallen asleep.

4th Year - Final Year.  This year things haven't been bad.  I live a fair bit from the University and its nice and quiet.  I barely know anyone in the area too which is nice.  I still have the same eating Issue but its getting better.

Poor Eating Habits (Males) Diagram

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