Wednesday 9 December 2015

Storyboard so far


At the moment I am drawing up the layouts and icons for the app.  The assessment part of my app will be broken up into 6 sections.  Each section will have an X (left below) beside it until the user has completed it.  When completed it will change into a tick (right below).

Questions on Eating: These questions will look at the persons diet and day by day food  and liquid intake.  It will ask questions on how often the user eats, what type of food do they eat, etc.  A persons daily food intake can influence there energy levels, concentration levels, activeness, exercise ability, motivation, etc.

Questions on Sleeping: These questions will look at the persons sleeping habits.  In relation to binge eating some people tend to snack at night.  When you aren't eating the right food or drinking the right liquids it effects more than just your energy levels.

Questions on Moods / Feelings about food: A persons mood can influence the type and amount of food and drink they take.  Some foods can influence a persons mood for example when in a depressing mood they may overeat and still feel empty inside therefore eating more and more.  If a person is stressed out or very busy they may reach for the quick snacks, things that are unhealthy and will keep them motivated.

Questions on Budget: A persons budget will have an impact on the type of foods they purchase and eat.  Healthy foods are not cheap and unhealthy foods are cheap.  If the person was a student living the typical student life they could resort to to partying alot  through drinking therefore limiting themselves to how much food they can purchase.

Questions on Exercise: How often a person exercises can influence there food intake.  When sitting indoors the person could eat more and feel lazy whereas if they get out more they will be more active.  Sitting indoors your body could change and therefore influence your ideas on food.  If you go to the gym and exercise alot them you may be forced to strict yourself to certain foods.

Questions on BMI: Height, Weight, Date of Birth and Gender.

I will be using Lorem Ipsum dummy text throughout the screens on my app.

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