Tuesday 29 December 2015

A logo? - Branding

With my app in the development stage I had considered a logo to brand it.  Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a logo good enough for the App.  I found it difficult gathering research on what ideas to use because of the subject.  Below is a simple idea I used.  The idea behind it is that the person using it is sad and using the app will make them happy.  Simple concept but If I had more time then perhaps I could decide on something better.

Monday 28 December 2015

App - Updated Storyboard / Invision App / Video Play Through

The Assessment

The assessment section of the app has been re-designed.  I have also added a Menu button to the top right where the user can access the other features of the app.  I have added the final designs for the icons as well.  They really did need updated and drawn properly as the other set was all over the place.  As said before the user will need to complete each section in order to complete there assessment.  This layout and overall design is a major improvement I just need to make one more adjustment.  The Next button should be faded out when a section hasn't been answered because it looks active which could frustrate the user and make them think they can progress with out completing everything.

The Menu

Here the user will have access to various parts of the app.

Something about you: The user may want to make a change to there added information.

The user can enter there name, age and gender.  After entering this information they can also appear anonymous.

Eating Disorders: Here the user can learn about the different Eating Disorders and ways to prevent them.  The close button on the screens about the disorders will take them back to the main disorders screen.  I actually shouldn't have a close button on the Eating Disorders screen because I don't know where it will take them to.

Assessment: This will bring the user to the Assessment screen.

Get Help: With the gps on the users mobile device the app should pick up there location and bring up local places that the user can contact if needed.  As well as the names and addresses of the places and phone numbers the user can Make an Appointment,Talk to a Professional via phone / video call or chat anonymously based upon a subject.

Information: The user can learn about the app its creators (me) and its overall purpose.

End Of Assessment

After completing the assessment the user is given a colour which relates to them showing some symptoms or alot symptoms of having an eating disorder.  The app will suggest ways for the user to help themselves or offer them alternative help.

Colours to Indicate

Based on the users feedback they will be placed into 1 of 4 categories:
  • Red / Pink - Danger - A lot of symptoms of an eating disorder.
  • Orange - Middle of Danger - The user has some symptoms which could mean they have a possible disorder or could be heading towards having one.
  • Yellow - Ok - The user has some symptoms of an eating disorder but nothing too serious.
  • Green - The user has a couple of symptoms of an eating disorder but again nothing too serious.

Whether the user has positive or negative results the app will suggest methods in which they can help themselves or seek help from an outside source.

Motivational Messages

As the user uses the app Motivational messages will randomly pop up giving them the courage and support needed.  When progressing through each section the user may feel a mixture of emotions which I feel that these messages will help them feel better and know that everything is ok.

Updated Storyboard

Invision App - Make my app WORK!

Throughout the creation of my app I will be using Invisionapp for testing.  I can create hotspots linking screens.  I can also send a link to my own or another persons mobile to use and test the app for me.  I can use feedback and go back and make changes when necessary.

Video Play Through so far - Showing a process

Using a screen capture software I was able to record myself using my app.  So far I am pleased with how things are going.  Yes some things do need refined here and there but its definitely coming together.  I need to add more to the app and continue testing it.  With the user testing I will be able to better my app.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

How far has my App come?

Going from paper to digital has been a very long and satisfying process I am very happy with how things have gone.  Things have worked well in planning, research and overall creation of the App.

Sunday 20 December 2015

UI Elements - App Design

App Design

When it comes to the overall design of my app I want to use a flat clean UI.  No gradients, for buttons, icons or backgrounds.  This is to keep up with the recent trends and I personally think it looks better and eventually everything will go down the same route.  Below is a sample screen which highlights the different fonts, colours, text boxes, drop downs, check boxes, text sizes and shapes that I will use throughout my app.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Looking at Colour Schemes and Fonts to work with

Personal Comment - As I am designing an app for my project I need to consider various colour schemes to accommodate the target audience.  When the user opens the app I want them to feel relaxed and not under any pressure to complete the assessment.  This is a friendly assessment not a test.

At the end of the assessment the person’s likely hood of having symptoms of an eating disorder will be determined by a colour.  As well as a colour the user needs to know what to do next.  How can they help themselves? Get help from Professionals?  Get help from someone who is in a similar situation?

Colour Theory

Personal Comment - In order to select the appropriate colour scheme for my app I decided to look for some information on Colour Theories.  This image was very useful as it showed me the different emotions related to specific colours.  I want the user to feel calm, safe and secure when going through there assessment.  As the user isn't creating a personal profile or saving information they can trust the app and use it efficiently.

The Meaning and Power of Colors

Color has such a subtle effect on our lives that we rarely give it a second thought. Color comes from daylight which contains all eight colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, violet and magenta. It is also a form of radiation.

Research has begun to validate the importance of color in treating disease. For example, looking at blue light has been shown to lower blood pressure by calming the autonomic nervous system, while red light causes it to rise.

Each color is associated with one of the seven chakras of the body, and every color has its complementary color. Single colors or combinations of complementary colors can be used to treat imbalances in the chakras or illness associated with that bodily region. 

How Colors Affect Us?

Green, Light Blue
Sky Blue, Turquoise 
Emerald Green 
Violet, Purple

Colour Schemes found here


I want to use chalky calming colours to make the user feel relaxed.  With all the questions throughout the assessment they may feel like it is a test.

Other Colour Schemes found on Google Images

This set of colours is my favourite.  With these I can mix and match to create various colour schemes.  Yes the other colour schemes are nice and would work very well with the app but these in particular are soft and easy on the eye.

Colour Schemes for the App

From the images above I decided to combine colours from each into various colour schemes.  I have also changed the title from Eating Disorder Assessment to Eating Habit Assessment because the app is accessing the users eating habits not the disorder they may or may not have / symptoms of.

Favourite colour Schemes

The last colour scheme is my favourite.  The different shades of blue are calm and relaxing.  Adding white to the buttons and drop downs was also a nice touch as it breaks the colours up and creates contrast.  I will be using these colours throughout my app.

 Cunamh Colour Scheme - From the website

 During the course of my project I got talking to the people from Cunamh and they were talking about sponsoring my app which I thought was pretty cool so I decided to create a colour scheme based upon the colours from there logo to show to them how it would look.  I think the colour schemes look very nice together.  The colours work well together.

Cunamh Logo

Possible Fonts for the App

As well as the colour schemes I felt it was important to also look at possible fonts.  Fonts like Arial, Roboto and Droid Sans are popular for mobile devices so maybe I could use one of them.  My app will be used by people from 12 up so I want to use a font that's clean and easy on the eyes for the user.  The size of the text is also important.  I don't want the user having to ask someone to read for them or needing to squint there eyes to read.

Some free fonts to use for Mobile:

Some Fonts were downloaded from:

Others were already on my computer.

My favourite Font used on the mobile screen is Open Sans.  Its not too think or too thin and is easy to read.

Open Sans

On the App screen

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Inspirational Apps


Before it comes to designing my app I felt it would be good to look for some inspiration on apps that are similar.  Below is some of my favourites.  I wanted to look for different fonts, button styles, User Interface, text boxes, labels, etc..  I looked on Google Images.

I like the bright colour schemes used for this app and the flat design of everything.  Everything is very straight forward with no complications.  I like the simplicity of the icons used.  The colours are very easy on the eye.

I like the user interface of this app but dont like the colour scheme.  It looks like it appeals to a female audience with the pinks text and Headers.

I like the overall layout of the menu used here and how the designer has used different colours to break up each section as well as icons.

I like the simplicity of the User Interface and the shades of grey used to break up the sections of the screen.

I like the white used for the background of this screen as it makes everything stand out and easy on the eye.  I also like how everything is broken up into pieces.

I like the layout of this screen and the gradients used for the icons, header and footer.

I like the lines used to break up the buttons on this screen.  I also think the sizes of the icons are very good and simple.

Storyboard so far


At the moment I am drawing up the layouts and icons for the app.  The assessment part of my app will be broken up into 6 sections.  Each section will have an X (left below) beside it until the user has completed it.  When completed it will change into a tick (right below).

Questions on Eating: These questions will look at the persons diet and day by day food  and liquid intake.  It will ask questions on how often the user eats, what type of food do they eat, etc.  A persons daily food intake can influence there energy levels, concentration levels, activeness, exercise ability, motivation, etc.

Questions on Sleeping: These questions will look at the persons sleeping habits.  In relation to binge eating some people tend to snack at night.  When you aren't eating the right food or drinking the right liquids it effects more than just your energy levels.

Questions on Moods / Feelings about food: A persons mood can influence the type and amount of food and drink they take.  Some foods can influence a persons mood for example when in a depressing mood they may overeat and still feel empty inside therefore eating more and more.  If a person is stressed out or very busy they may reach for the quick snacks, things that are unhealthy and will keep them motivated.

Questions on Budget: A persons budget will have an impact on the type of foods they purchase and eat.  Healthy foods are not cheap and unhealthy foods are cheap.  If the person was a student living the typical student life they could resort to to partying alot  through drinking therefore limiting themselves to how much food they can purchase.

Questions on Exercise: How often a person exercises can influence there food intake.  When sitting indoors the person could eat more and feel lazy whereas if they get out more they will be more active.  Sitting indoors your body could change and therefore influence your ideas on food.  If you go to the gym and exercise alot them you may be forced to strict yourself to certain foods.

Questions on BMI: Height, Weight, Date of Birth and Gender.


I will be using Lorem Ipsum dummy text throughout the screens on my app.

Pencil Project - Storyboard

Pencil Project Dashboard

To help me with the prototyping and overall layout I decided to look for a prototyping tool.  I came across Pencil Project which is a great piece of software.  The software itself contains all of the UI elements for Tablet, iPhone and Android devices.  The only problem with it is that the most recent version was created on November 15, 2013.  It has all the basic UI elements like buttons, keypads, text boxes, shapes, fonts, etc.

I have went for the title Eating Disorder Assessment because the app accesses you and tells you if you have a possibility of having an eating disorder and ways to help you.


Pencil Project - Storyboard

Using the Pencil Project software I created digital versions of my paper screens and then a new storyboard.  Here I was able to make changes to screens and add more information to the screens.  With digital versions I have a better visual of the app and can now proceed with the actual screens for my prototype.  I have also looked at the purpose of each screen and documented what content to add.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Paper Prototyping - Storyboarding - Start of my app

Personal Comment - Now that I have a brainstorm and a plan of the app drawn up I now needed to create a paper prototype to see how things work on the app.  Square Ruled paper proved to be very useful as I was able to decide on the layout and scale of objects on each screen.  This could change when it comes to the actual creation of the app and User Interface.

Paper Prototype video Link

Personal Comment - My paper prototype video looks pretty bare and doesn't show much of the functionality of my app as a paper prototype should and this is because I am still deciding on the content to add, User Interface and User Interaction.  When it comes to creating it digitally ill add the real content and the picture should be clearer then.

Paper Prototype Storyboard



Once I had decided what the outcome for my project was going to be I did a big brainstorm outlining everything I could add to my app.  I could go down the typical route and look at every minor detail that someone with an eating disorder or who may think they have one but I don't think that would be helpful.  It's already out there!

I want to create an App where someone any age can complete a simple assessment and get help if needed.  The app will give the user a colour based on there assessment.  From my research giving percentages or ratings on the possibility of having an eating disorder doesn't really help you out.  It shows no direction and doesn't help you out.  If anything the apps I looked at were pretty useless.  They seemed more like something you would find on Facebook or another social media site.  Eating Disorders is a serious issue and needs to be taken serious.

The app will take into consideration the users answers from the assessment and suggest ways on how the user can help themselves with tips and ideas on ways to help.  The app will also show the pros and cons of each suggestion so the user has a better understanding of each.  If the user doesn't have an eating disorder and only has some symptoms the app will suggest ways for them to improve themselves instead of leaving them panicking and making them feel vulnerable.

If needed the option to speak to a professional via video or phone call, chat anonymously to others or make an appointment to talk to someone privately will be available.  What alot of people don't realise is that it really does help to talk about things no matter how difficult it is.  It also takes a serious amount of confidence to do so.  As stated before in a previous blog it is common for women to talk about there body shape and weight where as men rarely do so.  My app will be compatible for both genders instead of focusing just on males.  Even if I wanted to focus just on males it wouldn't work because eating disorders affect both.

There will be no limitations on where the user can use the app.  They will however need a gps connection for booking an appointment for the app to locate them and suggest local places.  When looking for places to get help for myself and the project I found it difficult to find any because there wasn't much around.  Even asking people wasn't good as they themselves didn't know.  When this happened me I felt worried about other people who are in a similar situation and are scared because they don't know where to go to get help.

The user will have to option to enter there name, date of birth gender or stay anonymous.